Recruitment & Retention Forum for Whistler Employers

Published on February 12, 2020

Are you wondering how to improve your overall compensation package and retain staff?

Whistler Immigration is proud to be sponsoring such an important event hosted by the Whistler Chamber to learn about successful ways to improve your hiring and training cost savings, while improving staff morale, engagement and productivity.

Part 1: The Landscape – The Living Wage and the cost of turnover
Learn about Whistler’s Living Wage Report, calculating your own “living compensation”, investing in your team, the real reason your staff aren’t staying and the critical cost of turnover.

Part 2: Solutions – How to improve your compensation package
The impact of investing in your staff and the benefits you offer on your recruitment and retention. And how to implement a successful compensation plan.

Date: March 11, 2020
Time: 8:30 AM – 11:00 AM PDT

Full Event Details and Registration: