BC PNP is reviewing the exclusion of tourism, hospitality and retail occupations

The BC PNP is currently undertaking a review of the temporary suspension of 31 NOC codes in tourism, hospitality and retail that came into effect in March 2020.

We are happy to see the BC PNP is currently reviewing these restrictions and believe the hard work of the Whistler Chamber of Commerce, Whistler Immigration Ltd. and other stakeholders will help drive evidence-based decision making moving forward.

The BC PNP’s suspension of tourism, hospitality and retail occupations have caused significant disruption to Whistler businesses and their foreign employees. Whistler Immigration has been working hard to support the Whistler Chamber of Commerce to measure the impact the BC PNP’s restrictions are having on local businesses. A survey of members conducted in fall 2020 demonstrated that Whistler businesses are still combatting a labour shortage despite the pandemic.


Read the detailed survey results.

We have forwarded the concerns of the Whistler Chamber of Commerce and its members with the Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants (CAPIC-ACCPI) who will be attending an education session on February 17th on this issue. We hope the Chamber’s advocacy work will help effect change in favour of Whistler employers.

See Whistler Chamber of Commerce source and BC PNP’s response letter

See our related post.


Published on 2021/02/06