CIC Releases Information about 24 Eligible Occupations for Federal Skilled Worker Program

Citizenship and Immigration Canada released information about the 24 Eligible Occupations under the Federal Skilled Worker Program. Applications for qualified applicants will open on May 4, 2013. There are several key items that an applicant must consider for this program:
– The applicant must qualify under 1 of the 24 occupations;
– There is an overall cap of 5, 000 new applications for all eligible occupations, including a sub-cap of 300 new applications for each eligible occupation;
– Four organizations have been designated to conduct educational credential assessments (mandatory for applicants submitting foreign educational credentials); and
– Applicants must show proof that they meet the minimum threshold of Canadian Language Benchmark 7 in all four language skill areas: speaking, reading, writing and oral comprehension.
Contact Whistler Immigration is you require further information. Here are the details from the CIC website: