BC PNP Opens Programs With New Intake System

On January 27, 2016 the BC Provincial Nominee Program opened their programs with a new intake system.  The previously frozen Express Entry skilled worker, Regular Stream Skilled Worker, and Entry Level and Semi-Skilled programs are now accepting applications.
The new intake system involves a points system.  You register your application online then you enter a pool of candidates for the stream you are applying for.  Based on your points you may or may not get an invitation to apply to PNP. If your points are greater than 135  in the skilled worker stream then you will receive an invitation to apply (ITA).  If your points are lower than 135 you will compete with other applicants in the pool and the ones with the highest points will receive an invitation to apply.  This means that if you are less than the min. point requirement you will not know how long you will wait in the pool before begin offered an ITA.
The points requirement varies depending on the program you are applying too.
PNP has not indicated the number of ITA’s that they will issue each month nor have they released their quota accepted for each program.
There are also changes to requirements for some of the programs.
What will become clear in the next month(s) is the lowest score being offered ITA’s in each category.  In 2015 the quota filled quickly in both the Express Entry and Regular Skilled Worker streams.   Based on that it we expect that many people will apply as early as possible regardless of where they sit on the points schedule.
If you want to understand how the new points system and changes to requirements impact you please contact Whistler Immigration today.