BC PNP issues first round of Invitations to Apply for Skilled Worker Categories

BC PNP issued their first round of invitations to apply (ITA) for both the skilled work program and Express Entry (EE) skilled worker program. The minimum score to be offered an ITA was 135. They offered ITAs to 16 Skilled Worker applicants and 55 to EE Skilled Worker applicants.
We expect that as they start to offer more ITAs that the minimum score is lowered. It is difficult for applicants to achieve a score of 135. This targets a highly educated, highly skilled, English as a first language applicant who is currently working in Canada and has gained at least one year work experience in a skilled position in Canada.
This is a significant change to the past profiles of applicants who were known to be successful in the program over the last 10 years. For example, it was a popular program for applicants who spoke English, but did not have English as a first language and who had a significant skill set in a trade. Most trades are experiencing a shortage of workers in Canada and there is value in the PNP program supporting workers of this skill set to settle in Canada and to train less experienced Canadians in the trade. These type of applicants, who often have high school or trade certification only, do not come close to a 135 score.
Time will tell if the BC PNP skilled worker and EE skilled worker program seeks highly skilled, highly educated, English speaking applicants only or if they see the value in continuing to support a skilled work force, such as the much needed skilled tradesman/women, that benefits the Canadian economy.